Rustic Plumbing Solutions

Infection Control Policy

Rustic Plumbing remains open for business and are here to support our customers and community that depend on us, as we depend on you!

In these uncertain times, Rustic Plumbing’s priorities are to keep our employees, customers and community safe. We want to assure you we are taking the necessary actions with safety gear and equipment and following strict guidelines for personal and workplace sanitation.

We have an Emergency Management Program in place to ensure we are equipped to manage a range of disruptions due to COVID-19 (coronavirus). We are actively following all health and travel advice issued by the Australian Government and regularly keep our employees updated with the latest advice.

At Rustic Plumbing, we remain committed to supporting our team and customers throughout this time. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and keep our customers informed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at or 0499 154 760.

Please read through the below guidelines prior to our technician visiting your home:

Please inform us if you are sick, or have been out of the country in the last 14 days.

Please advise if you are caring for a sick family member with flu-like symptoms.

Ensure a distance of 1.5 metres is kept between yourself and your technician.

Wash your hands with soap and running water, for at least 20 seconds before and after our visit.

Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow.

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: If using flushable wipes, do not flush down the toilet. Do not flush wet wipes or paper towel. These do NOT break down like normal toilet paper, and WILL block your sewer.

Looking for an alternative to toilet paper? Ever thought of a bidet, Installation of a full bidet or a bidet sprayer can easily attach to your existing toilet suite. Interested? We are happy to come and help install or answer your questions!

Please give us a call or email, if the phone lines are congested! We are more than happy to come and assist you with any plumbing needs, no matter how small or large throughout this time. And will respond to emails in 15 minutes.

Rated 5 Stars by Our Customer
Customer Review

I'd been told for about six years that I would have to dig up my bathroom to properly repair my underground drainage pipes.

Linda Turner
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